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Movie: Angela is the Fireworks Woman (1975), Wes Craven, US

Movie creators, Reviews on IMDb.com, Subtitles, Horoscopes & Birth Charts

Angela is the Fireworks Woman (1975)
Angela is the Fireworks Woman
"Birth" chart of the opening night (premiere)
July 15, 1975, USA
Movie: Angela is the Fireworks Woman (1975) IMDb.com
Wes Craven
Movie creator, Director
Transit chart during opening night (premiere)

Movie: Angela is the Fireworks Woman (1975)
Actors, director and other movie creators

Wes CravenWes Craven (*1939)   director United States US
Wes CravenWes Craven (*1939)   screenplay United States US
Wes CravenWes Craven (*1939)   actor United States US